By accepting membership of the TCMCI, members agree to abide by all terms and conditions of membership. Members are required to comply with the Codes of Ethics and Practice at all times and agree to accept sanction in the event of a breach of the Codes.
Members shall conduct themselves in an honourable manner at all times in their relations with their patients, the public, other TCMCI members and other professionals
No member may advertise or allow his name to be advertised in a misleading or dishonest way
Members are required to apply the Codes of Ethics and Practice to all their professional activities
Infringement of these Codes render members liable to disciplinary action with subsequent loss of privileges and benefits of the TCMCI The Ethics and Standard committee is a sub-committee of the R.T.C.M.I. It is composed of committee members of the R.T.C.M.I but has a separate identity to the Register and its decision making is independent of the R.T.C.M.I. Decision making is based upon the E & S sub-committee's interpretation of the Constitution and Code of Ethics and Standards.
The E & S sub-committee was established to formulate a code of ethics, and to define what constitutes suitable standards in all areas of T.C.M. practice. This code must be followed by all members and affiliates of the R.T.C.M.I.
The Ethics and Standards Committee consider that :
Members of the R.T.C.M.I are obliged to adhere in full to all rules of the Code of Ethics and Standards.
Professional and private life is indivisible.
That the treatment of patients will be carried out to the maximum professional ability of the member, and that the well being of the patient is the practitioner's sole primary concern.
That while the client remains a patient of that practitioner, that the relationship be strictly a professional one.
That the practitioner will only offer treatment to patients within the bounds of practitioner competence, and if a practitioner is in doubt as to whether their ability is sufficient to offer the best treatment to a client, that he consults with, or refers to a more senior colleague, or to a practitioner within a different health care profession if it is in the client's best interest to do so.
That the relationship between practitioner and patient is both professional and absolutely confidential at all times. However, confidentiality will not extend to matters that the practitioner may become aware of, that in the common good reporting to the Gardai or Health Board may be necessary.
Practitioners and those seeking membership should be aware that any activity which may take the profession into disrepute, or reflect badly upon it, will automatically lead to the member's name being erased from membership, and any on-going investigation by a law enforcement agency will debar applicants. At all times, the E & S committee has the final judgement on applications for membership and may refuse applicants admission without stating a reason.
When it has been alleged that a breech of the Code of Ethics & Standards has occurred, the E & S sub-committee will investigate the matter for the purpose of establishing the facts and if it considers that a breech has occurred, and if it considers it to be sufficient severity, it will inform the Disciplinary sub-committee.
Improper advertising such as the making of false, excessive or inappropriate claims is considered as a breech of the Code of Ethics & Standards.
That the use by a member of an illegal substance, e.g. narcotics, or the misuse or improper use of a legal but addictive substance, e.g. alcohol is considered to be a breech of the Code of Ethics.
At all times the Practitioner will practice from a hygienic and safe premises.
All R.T.C.M.I members will be adequately insured. If a member is excluded from the R.T.C.M.I, the committee of the R.T.C.M.I will write to the Insurer informing them of this fact.
The R.T.C.M.I. is a registered business name. It is totally independent from the Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association. The Register looks after the academic interests of practitioners and is associated with Lansdowne College.
The A.C.M.O. is a totally independent register that represents the interests of the general public as part of professional self-regulation. It is not related to any specific college and Dr. Carroll considers that membership of it is essential to maintain professional and ethical standards.
Members will not publicly criticise the treatment offered to a client by another practitioner who is also a member of the R.T.C.M.I. If the practitioner feels that the treatment offered to a client by another practitioner is unhelpful or unsafe, he will discuss the matter directly with the other practitioner, and if he remains dissatisfied or concerned, he has a duty to inform the E & S committee.
Practitioners as members of a profession, will maintain a suitable dress code while treating clients.
Practitioners will keep confidential documents relating to clients locked at all times, and only release them to other health care professional upon the written consent by the client.
Practitioners will maintain a locked medicine cabinet.
Practitioners will take special care in the safe disposal of used needles.
The E & S committee will be able to initiate an enquiry into matters relevant to the committee without the receipt of a formal complaint.
- The E & S committee states that all R.T.C.M.I practitioners should be physically, mentally and emotionally fit to carry out their duties, safely and competently. It is the duty of each practitioner to provide the necessary medical evidence that they comply with the requirement, if asked to do so by the E & S committee.